The series creators have officially confirmed the number of episodes in the final eighth season.

Executive producers David Benioff and Daniel Brett Weiss said at SXSW festival in the US that Game of Thrones would end with season 8 in 2018. The final season will contain only six episodes. The first six seasons had 10 episodes. The premiere of the seventh, next-to-last season is scheduled for July 16, 2017. It will have seven episodes.

The producers said they had a 140-page outline for the final season that starts filming in September. Talking about their plans for the future, Weiss joked: “Should we just tell everybody what the ending is? It’s a lot of work to shoot this.” The creators of Game of Thrones appeared at the festival with actresses Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) and Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark).

The series Game of Thrones is based on George RR Martin’s book series A Song of Ice and Fire. The first season was released in spring 2011. The show has become one of the most expensive TV projects and received a record number of prestigious Emmy awards.

HBO and writer George RR Martin discuss a concept of Game of Thrones spin-off featuring certain characters from Westeros World. The project will be launched after the popular series ends.

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