Visiting a museum or a theatre once a month reduces the risk of dying early by 31 percent


British Medical Journal (BMJ) published results of a research suggesting that art makes you life longer, Artguide reports.

The findings of the 14-year study based on 6,710 adults aged 50 years and older (the average age was 66) show that the mortality rate among those who visited museums, exhibitions, theatres or concerts once or twice a year was 14% lower than among people not engaged in cultural activities.

Elderly people who visit cultural events once a month have a 31% lower risk of dying “independent of demographic, socioeconomic, health related, behavioural, and social factors”.

The research shows that art and music help reduce chronic pain, mitigate symptoms or slow down the development of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. According to Andrew Steptor, a co-author of the research, arts engagement improves a sense of purpose in life.

Arts engagement reduces loneliness, promotes empathy and emotional intelligence, reduces sedentary behaviours, which leads to a longer life.

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