Denny Kwan was called “too sexy” and banned from working in show business for 12 months.

The decision was taken because the actress likes to wear revealing clothes. Officials found it inappropriate and banned Kwan from working in the film industry for a year. The Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts of Cambodia says the actress “violated the national code of conduct”. The ministry refers to the Artists’ Ethical Code of Conduct that sets rules for public figures and requires them to respect public morality.

Denny Kwan is widely popular in the country. She starred in a great number of films and has hundreds of thousands of followers on social media. The actress says she doesn’t understand why the ministry chose her to be punished, because other celebrities in the country are even less modest. Kwan said she accepted the ministry’s decision and would comply with it.

The actress says she was invited to the ministry to discuss her sexy clothes. Despite the reprimand, Kwan continued to wear what she wanted. Now, the actress says she will try to follow the ministry’s recommendations and dress in a more modest way in public.

“I will try not to be sexy,” she promised.

The code applied to the actress sets rules for public conduct, aims to promote culture, arts and national identity and protect them from “negative elements”. Human rights groups note that the measure violates the UN's Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.

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