Despite being very young Sarah is one of the most experienced in life people I’ve ever had an opportunity to meet. Sarah was invited to live with the Hoarani tribe living in the deep Amazon. Through my personal experience I know stories of one of the Hoarani tribes, as my parents had an opportunity to go and spend time with the tribe in Brazil. Sarah on the other hand lived through a rather different experience, she learned how to hunt, she has experienced different parts of the tribal living. Her story can really inspire young people to not only the stereotypical “go and explore”, but to on the other hand try and do something what is outside of your comfort zone, something what potentially can be scary, but in return be very fulfilling. Sarah discusses how she experienced various challenges including what she calls her “western barriers” which she had to let go in order to fully integrate with the tribe. This experience does indeed teach you to overcome your internal fears and insecurities for the greater good.